Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Whimsical Wednesday

Lately, I've had a certain obsession with garden gnomes, I think since Travelocity's "Roaming Gnome" commercials came out. Let me tell you these things are SO hard to find for a reasonable rate. I have dedicated about a year of yard saleing to finding one. No such luck. My Grandma Carole and my Mother-in-law have bought me some pretty cute garden statues, A mushroom that I spray painted, a tiny gnome, a little frog, etc. I really only plant the garden so that I'll be able to put statues and ornament in it.

This week's Whimsical Wednesday is dedicated to my current obsession, Garden Statues.

Classic Gnomes, why yes, I will take four!

Found Here

Tiny garden house for fairies and sprites, a must have.
Found Here

Unicorns to go with the flowers? A magnificent idea.

Garden Unicorn found Here

A door for the garden village? Complete with minuscule mushrooms? Yes this does exist.

 found Here

And what garden village is complete without creatures that actually exist in real life?

That's why there's the Jim Shore Raccoon! found Here

Here's a few photos  I found buried in my hard drive. I took these last summer at a cabin in the White Mountains:

A very special garden statue, my good friend Mickey:
He's the reason I won't be posting for the rest of the week, since I'll be in the happiest place on Earth.

I'll be back on Monday with pictures and stories.

Enjoy Your Whimsies ,

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Taco Tuesday.

Sadly, this post has absolutely nothing to do with tacos. I was just thinking about how I used to eat 3 for a dollar tacos at Del Taco every single week when I lived in my old city.  Del Taco was the place to be seen on any given Tuesday night, we sat at tables with our group of friends, making sideways glances at other people's groups of friends. Saw people almost get into fights in the parking lot. Never actual fights, "almost fights" were their favorite kind. The tacos were delicious, mostly because they were 3 for a dollar.

Well okay, you got a whole story of my high-school years all because I was jonesin' for some tacos...

I thought I would dedicate this post to my favorite books in hopes that I can be less busy this summer and get some reading done.

1) Pride and Prejudice

2) The Wind in the Willows

3) Mrs. Frisby and the rats of NIHM
4) The Hobbit

5) Jane Eyre

6) 1984

7) Crank

8) Burned

9) Go Ask Alice

10) The Little House on the Prairie books (all of them)

A list of favorite books tells a lot about a person, it shows what captivates their mind, whether they like fiction or non-fiction, fantasies or realities.

List your top 5 or top 10 favorite books in a comment below.


Monday, May 17, 2010

Website is Up!

After working on FTP and my server all day long today, my site is up and running. It's basically a hub for all my endeavors. You can locate my Etsy store, a sampling of my photography, a page for this blog, about me, and links to all my favorite sites.

It's not the exact site I had imagined in my head, but I'm fairly proud of myself since I coded this on Dreamweaver after learning the program for only half a semester. The more I progress in Web Design the better the site will be.

Check it out:

If you're interested in being listed on our "Links" page let me know.

I'm so excited for the future of Sincerely Rae!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Photo Flip Book

I made this photo book for my friend Amber's wedding present. I really loved it so I thought I'd share some pictures. I'm not sure if they've opened their presents yet, but I'm figuring they won't be checking my blog on their honeymoon cruise. ;]

First, I bought 8.5in x 5.5in page protectors and loose leaf rings from the office supply store.
Stamped and embellished the cover page from a thin sheet of cardboard.
Cut regular sized sheets of paper in half and pasted the photos onto them, added a few embellishments onto the pages. Slipped them into the page protectors and bound all of them together with the loose leaf rings.

I had taken pictures for both her showers so I burnt them all onto a CD and followed loosely Elsie's Indie Mix tape DIY

The finished present:
I hope they enjoy the present as much as I enjoyed making it!!

'night Blogworld,

First Friday

Today was the long-awaited wedding day of my good friends Robert & Amber. I was one of her bridesmaids, it was a really fun and happy day for everybody involved. I assisted their photographer a bit, I shot all the pictures of her getting ready this morning along with some close ups of the dress. But I'll have to wait for the photographer to edit them to see how they turned out. I was so worried about my photos, even though the "getting dressed" shots really aren't that big of deal. I've never been involved with photographing a wedding, and it's the type of setting where if you miss the shots, there's no retakes. I fairly confident that there will be a handful of crisp shots.

Along the photography subject, I just found out that I'll be taking part on a First Friday street fair and selling a few prints in the booth of an acquaintance. He's an extremely talented photographer, check out his site. I'm so blessed to have all these opportunities to show my work (maybe even sell it!!)

I need to decide which photos I should print off for the booth.
So I thought that I could get some input for you more experienced bloggers. Here are a few that I was thinking of:

Let me know if any of these catch your eye as prints you would see framed.

Thanks for the help,