Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Whimsical Wednesday

Thank you so much to everyone who commented or face-booked me about my post on Monday. It's so encouraging to hear from Moms who have been there and friends who truly care. I am incredibly blessed.

So, since becoming pregnant I've had ridiculous cravings for cake and other baked goods. One of my friends said she's been craving lots of fruits and vegetables during her pregnancy, oh to be that lucky! haha

This week's Whimsical Wednesday is dedicated to my love of baking
... and eating.

Found here, but who knows the original source.


Looks like Photobucket is still working, so excuse the ugly blog for another day.

Oh, and don't forget to vote for my spring look! Pretty Please!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, I just love Audrey and used to wish I could have lived in her era. Such amazing style and class:)
    Thanks again for your sweet comments! You are awesome!


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