So here's the details:
"MCP Project 52: One Photo a Week - Join in Anytime!
In photography, as with any job or hobby, it is easy to get into a rut. If you have ever needed a little photography lift, challenge or some inspiration, that is what the new MCP Project 52 is all about. Imagine taking pictures once a week just because you feel like it. Visualize photographing something while not pressured for the perfect shot. Envision shooting just for yourself. Every week for up to 52, starting today, you can join MCP Project 52. You will be able to shoot something important to you, like your child, nature, the city, or something silly you just notice, like your toenail polish chipping. Or if you are up for a challenge, you can even play along with our weekly suggested theme.
MCP Project 52 - It's a way to encourage creativity, make photography fun, and provide a challenge without actual pressure. Participants will sharing their art work and images weekly while inspiring each other.
I hope you will play along with me this year, share your images, and not worry about perfection. Take photos with your SLR, a pinhole, your iPhone, your computer's on-board camera, etc. Whatever you want, any camera, any lens, anything goes. Seriously! No pressure. Edit them - or don't. Be as creative or as simple as you desire. It's up to you and your mood each week.
To participate in MCP Project 52:
Introduce yourself in the thread below and let us know you will be joining in the fun! If you are reading this and realize you are well into the year, please join at any time. No reason to wait until 2012 just because you started late. So start any time with the current week/theme - you do NOT need to play catch up. If you are not sure you can do it every week, challenge yourself, but if you miss a week, it's ok.
* Join the MCP Project 52 group on Flickr - upload your one image each week to the group. Our "week" goes from Saturday through Friday. Pictures should be taken within that week, do not submit old images just because they fit the theme please. If you get behind, we will approve pictures from the past week through Sunday evening. Starting Monday AM, will will only approve the current week's images. We are doing this so the group is easy to look through. By uploading to this group, you are giving us permission to use them on our "weekly shares" on the MCP Blog. Include your web address or company name in the tag or notes, so that if yours is chosen for a "share," that we credit you properly.
* Make sure you are on my MCP's Facebook Page and Blog. We will announce suggested themes in both places for the upcoming week on Saturdays. We may also feature a few photos from the prior week - so check to see if yours were featured.
* Remember you can share unedited or edited images, iPhone, point and shoot, or SLR photos. Anything goes - you do not need to be a professional photographer.
If you have a special one you love and did edit with MCP actions, we'd also love you to share it on the MCP Facebook Fan Page wall!
* Spread the word - share on Facebook, Twitter, your blog and photo forums. For this 52 week project to work, we need you and your photographer friends. Please let others know - the more who join in, the more exciting, inspirational and fun.
* Share some LOVE - as you have time, look through submissions, and take the time to comment on a few images.
Remember to check back every week to get inspired and shoot for yourself."
So here I go, I'm starting out on week 5 and this week's theme is "Muse" I'll post my picture up sometime this week before February 4th. I'm currently visiting my parents and I forgot my camera at home so I'll have to wait until Monday to get started. Hopefully this goes better than my August Break challenge haha.
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