I thought I'd share a little "this and that" from this week.
I'm loving my new accessories from Paper Sparrow I have a few of her prints too, they made me feel so happy and springy.
I've been working on my embroideries from Doodle-stitching. The day after I posted about wanting the whole book, it came in the mail. My husband spoils me, he had ordered it before I even posted that I wanted it =]
I'm satisfied with how they came out, considering they are only the 2nd and 3rd embroideries that I've ever done.
I whipped up this apron for my friend's birthday yesterday. I used this bit of aqua colored velvet ribbon for the accent stripe in the middle. I wish I would have put a cheeky saying or something the top but even as it was I only had ten minutes to shower and get ready for her birthday celebration after finishing the apron. I'm really not good at guessing how much time it will take to make something. Dinner and dessert at the Cheesecake Factory was the best though!
Happy Birthday M!!!
My first baby shower is tomorrow and I am bursting at the seams with excitement!

The gnome embroidery is so so adorable! You are very good! Especially since they are your first few? I can only imagine how great the others will look! <3