Friday, April 22, 2011

The Reason

Although I do love chocolate and decorating eggs, Easter is so much more to me than that. I had something else planned to blog about today but when I thought about it I realized that the ultimate sacrifice and foundation of my faith deserved a little more than a few words at the end of my thrift store finds post.

I know that not everyone reading this believes in Christ like I do and I've never been one to be really pushy with my views, nonetheless I felt like I needed to share about what and who drives my soul.


Good Friday is a bit painful for me, thinking about how the sin of all mankind was placed upon my perfect savior. The Passion of the Christ really made the pain he suffered real in my mind, even though I took part in our church's drama of the crucifixion and resurrection every year. I think it's good for us as Christians to remember what happened today, to think about what it was like real and in color not simply a story in the Bible. 

All that is not the point though.  If the crucifixion was all that happened, so many people wouldn't have given their lives and freedom up for the name of Jesus Christ. As much as scholars and archeologists have tried to disprove it, He is risen. The pain and the sorrow of the death of Jesus is redeemed by the fact that He rose again, He conquered death for all of us, for me. 

The change in me and the amazing things I've seen done because of the power of God simply can't be explained away. I know there are so many people who laugh it all off as a joke or a story for the weak minded but I can only speak for myself and for what I know to be true. That is, I would be lost in more ways than one if Christ didn't live in me. The reason I started Sincerely Rae is to be an example to young girls and women, to teach them that you don't have to be half naked to be fashionable. That you don't need to sacrifice morals to reach your dreams.  Last year before I started this blog I wrote a mission statement for Sincerely Rae and posted it on my personal Facebook:

Believing that every woman should train to serve her creator. We, at Sincerely Rae, promise to give hints, tips, help, and clothes to provide every girl a hope to achieve Her dreams (because DREAM IT! ladies) living through prayer and supplication to her creator.

That we should Live soberly, righteously, and Godly in this present age.

So that which was supposed to be my own outlet will be a blessing to others.

So that's that. I know it's not popular to stand for something divisive and it can be offensive. But I decided a long time ago that I couldn't have parts of my life that were separate from my faith.  This is my identity, my business can't be exclusive from that. 

Oh and eat plenty of candy for Easter too, it's a sweet reminder of love.

Photo Credits: 12


  1. I loved reading this :) I love that, in a world of Christians who shuffle their feet about their faith, and try to hide it so they might not lose friends or readers, you are willing to stand up and tell the world that Jesus is Lord of your life :) For anyone who may stop reading you because of this post, please take comfort in the fact that I will continue to read you BECAUSE of this post :) You are an inspiration.
    HE is risen!

  2. Wow that was a fantastic read! Again I am so happy that I came across your blog, you are truly an inspiration, and must admit that was one of the best post that I've read in a really long time.

    I will continue to read your blog and I wish you well. God bless!

  3. Hey, I've followed your blog for a while and I just wanted to say that I while I am not religious (although my mother did take to church as a child) This doesn't affect my enjoyment of your blog and for me people's religion doesn't affect my descision on whether to read their blog or not. I respect others beliefs and I admire your convictions and that you are open and proud of your beliefs! I think this is a well written and heartfelt post from you and that it's great that you are offering girls another outlook on life. :)

    Best wishes to you this weekend, I hope that you get to enjoy some beautiful weather! :)


  4. Thank you so much for your support and understanding ladies!! !

    If there is one thing I've learned from the last few weeks of blogging it's that people in the blogging community respect honesty. Whether they agree with your opinion or not, I think people like to know where you're coming from.


  5. good post I just started following, have you looked at pursuing prague's blog? maybe you'll like hers? have a good week....good luck with fake contractions etc ^_^


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